My Chewing Function Was Affected By My Old Teeth, My New Permanent Smile Allows Me To Eat Anything!
I am John, doctor of Chiropractic, and practiced at Lee Height in Pennsylvania. Practiced for approximately 55 years when I just recently retired. As I was practicing, I began having rather severe dental problems, and my general dentist at the time, he referred me to Dr. Nolf for periodontal treatment. At that time, I also had several partials, and you cannot enjoy food with a partial plate or anything that you remove. It’s not natural.
I had permanent. I no longer had to take them out at night. I could eat whatever I wanted. Let me tell you, it was the easiest thing I ever went through. I brush, I floss.

So, John had lost a lot of posterior teeth, both upper and lower maxillary mandibular, and so he was wearing removable partials. John was really strongly interested in doing something that would be not removable. So that’s when we really started down the path of let’s replace his missing teeth with something that’s fixed. Well, while we were at it, we realized his front teeth were probably going to fail in the future, so we decided to do a full arch case.
I had permanent. I no longer had to take them out at night. I could eat whatever I wanted. Let me tell you, it was the easiest thing I ever went through. I brush, I floss. I don’t have to take anything out at night. Everything stays in. That’s just a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend Dr. Nolf.
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